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Dynamic Range : Dynamic Named Range in Excel

Dynamic Named Range in Excel

A dynamic named range is a feature in spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel that allows you to create a named range whose size automatically adjusts based on the data it contains. Unlike a static named range, which has a fixed range of cells, a dynamic named range expands or contracts as data is added or removed.

Dynamic named range are particularly useful when working with large datasets that are constantly changing. They can be employed in various scenarios, such as creating charts, using formulas, or applying conditional formatting that automatically updates as new data is added.

To create a dynamic named range in Excel, you can use a formula combined with the OFFSET or INDEX function.

Here’s an example of how you can create a dynamic named range using the OFFSET function:

  1. Select the range of cells that you want to name dynamically.
Dynamic Named Range in Excel

2. Go to the “Formulas” tab in the Excel ribbon and click on “Define Name” (in newer versions of Excel, this might be located in the “Name Manager” window).

dynamic named range

3. In the “New Name” dialog box, enter a name for your dynamic range.

4. In the “Refers to” field, enter the following formula using the OFFSET function:


Replace “Sheet1” with the name of your worksheet, and adjust the cell references as needed.

5. Click “OK” to save the dynamic named range.

dynamic named range

The formula above uses the OFFSET function to define a range starting from cell A1 and extending for a number of rows equal to the count of non-empty cells in column A. The dynamic named range will update automatically as new data is added or removed in column A.

You can use the created dynamic named range in various Excel features, such as creating charts or using it in formulas like SUM, AVERAGE, or COUNT.

Excel allows users to define a dynamic range, which automatically adjusts based on data changes, ensuring accurate and flexible data analysis.

Note that the process may vary slightly depending on the version of Excel you are using, but the concept remains the same—creating a named range that adjusts dynamically based on the data.

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